SCV AAUW members begin the year in September with a Membership Brunch, followed by Program meetings in October, November, January and February. December’s activities include a Holiday Gathering, the March project is a fundraising event for the AAUW/College of the Canyons MESA scholarship, and the April ventures highlight the Women In History presentation and the Tech Trek awards. In May, the branch celebrates the Installation of new officers and in August, AAUW celebrates the return of the Tech Trek campers with an End of the Year Party.
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AAUW-SCV Programs and Activities:
May 2021 – Outdoor Mystery Lit Club Meeting
September 2020: Members convened for a social-distanced drive-by ceremony to honor our Named Gift Honorees for 2020: Ollie Bruin and Diane Kreyenhagen
- 2020-21 President Diane M with named gift honoree Ollie
- Named gift honoree Diane K
- Outgoing President Marianne gifted with flowers
September 2020: Virtual Annual membership meeting
August 2020: Members drive-by City Hall celebration for the 100th Anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment giving women the right to vote (1920).
- AAUW-SCV celebrated the 100th year of women’s right to vote
March 2020: LACIC Women’s Day celebration
Dressed as Suffragettes, Diane, Marianne and Elaine attended the LACIC Tea Party in Pasadena to commemorate the 100th anniversary of the 9th Amendment.
February 2020: Engineer at Universal Creative
Members gathered to hear Clarissa speak about her journey as a female mechanical engineer and her projects at Universal.
February 2020: Book Lovers Tech Trek Fundraiser
Please see the Gallery Tab for 36 photos of the Book Lovers Luncheon. Here: Gallery Page
January 2020: Humanities Fundraiser Wine tasting party at Hoi Polloi
November 2019: Wonderful World of Watercolor with instruction by Zony Gordon from the Santa Clarita Artists Association (SCAA). See Gallery page for more photos.
October 2019: Travel Program: Road Scholar Ambassador Jill took us on an exploration of the world of travel.
September 2019: National Voter Registration Day

AAUW-SCV collaborated with College of the Canyons and the League of Women Voters to hold a registration event on campus.
May 2019:Annual Installation meeting at the Valencia Country Club
Our new 2019-2020 officers were sworn in and honored at our annual installation luncheon.
April 2019: New Summer Camp Tech Trekkers Named:
Our Tech Trek Awards reception was held in April and was attended by almost 100. Thanks to our generous sponsors we will be sending 22 girls to Tech Trek summer camps at CSU Fresno, UC Irvine, UC Santa Barbara and Whittier College.
April 2019: Stem Stars Field Trip to Dental Lab.
A group of STEM Stars spent an afternoon with local dentist, Dr. Kim Rosen. The girls were treated to a tour of her offices, learned about the various careers in dentistry and the pros and cons of owning your own business. With the help of some brave volunteers, several girls got the opportunity to mix the material and actually create dental impressions which are used to create mouth guards, whitening trays, retainers, crowns, bridges, veneers, dentures, and accurate models, among other things. The girls really enjoyed the trip, as their follow-up emails indicated:
“Thank you so much for putting together such a great event for us.”
“I absolutely enjoyed making molds of teeth and making a replica of a jaw with cement. After the STEM dentistry event, I think I am really considering going into a similar field. I can’t wait for what is in store next for us!”
More photos on the Gallery Page.
Click for More photos and events on our Facebook page